Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Ah-ah moment into my own procrastination

Have I told you I'm taking a course called Zero Procrastination?  I'm taking it to improve my skills in clutter clearing to help others, but you know how that goes...I'm learning a lot about my own procrastination.  Funny how life works out.  Anyway last night before dropping off to sleep I was reading from Natalie Goldberg's book called Writing down the bones.  It gave me a serious ah-ha moment into my own procrastination tendencies.

For those of you who are kindred spirits in procrastination this is for you...and me;-)

   "  Some days you don't want to run and you resist every step of the three miles, but you do it anyway.  You practice whether you want to or not.  You don't wait around for inspiration and a deep desire to run.  It'll never happen,  especially if you are out of shape and have been avoiding it.  But if you run regularly, you train your mind to cut through or ignore your resistance. ...
   "That's how writing is, too.  Once you're deep into it, you wonder what took you so long to finally settle down at the desk.  Through practice you actually do get better.  You learn to trust your deep self more and not give into your voice that wants to avoid writing."
               Page 11, Writing as a practice

Isn't that perfect for clutter and procrastination??? Now I can't wait to feel that moment of resistance and see if I can learn to turn and face this resistance and ask what and why am I feeling resistance.  And then with practice just do it!!!  Ha!  Love it!  

   Wishing you all ah-ha moments into your spirit and soul,

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