Day 195 of 1000 day journey
Spring is sprung and life takes on new energy when the sun shines. A little over a half a year has passed since I started this my 1000 day journey. I started in the fall, journeyed through the winter and have popped out in spring. With every season, my own energies shift. This awareness is key. In a journey or practice or habit or even a goal, it is essential to be aware and connect with the rhythm and energy of the day.
There is a natural order to life, a rhythm, a flow. Our life is really about circles instead of straight lines. To connect and use this energy helps whatever you are doing. It isn't limited to just the seasons. For centuries farmers tapped into the natural cycle, rhythm and energy of the moon. Planning their planting and harvesting on where the moon cycle was. This is not news to us but it has stopped being part of our daily lives. As we move indoors, spending upwards of 90% of our time inside. As we get our food from the grocery isles and not from the dirt. And as our days are now made up mainly of man made materials, processed foods and florescent lighting, our connection to the natural rhythm and energy of life is diminishing.
When the value of each day is your mindset each and every day, this rhythm becomes your saving grace. Mondays feel different than Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays are distant cousins. How I feel on a full moon vs a new moon and what activities I do shifts with our natural cycles instead of against them.
To find the treasure of each day, means you have to look into the day and realize each day is actually a unique gift. No two days will ever be the same. Each day is like a fingerprint or snow flake. When you find there is a natural circle to each week, each season and each day, then the focus and energy of your days starts to connect naturally.
My days are so much more productive, enjoyable and energizing when I flow with the natural energies instead of trying to swim upstream. I find each day a source of inspiration and energy instead of a treadmill of day after day blurring into one big nothing.
At the end of each year, do you feel the time slipped through your fingers? Time is consistent, it doesn't speed up or slow down. Learning to connect to this natural rhythm may be the greatest gift of this journey.
Wishing you all daily blessings on your own journeys,
To follow my 1000 day journey click here
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