How do you like that title? "Digestion is a practice in mindfulness". What to eat, what not to eat, when, how, why.... the questions go on and on. There are a biz-zillion books on the subject, all with the answer! Don't eat eggs, eat vegetarian, don't eat any grains, eat meat and no sugar... on and on it goes full of answers, leaving us all in a confused state of where to turn.
Some of these authors are brilliant, some are really very good at marketing and making money. Most come with a sincere desire to help us all be healthy and vibrant. But I wonder, how does someone who wrote a book 10 years ago, 3.5 years ago or even last month, know what my body, mind and spirit all need on this given day? How do they know the answers to my body at 11:30am on the 12th day in March, a Wednesday after working physically on Tuesday, but while working in the office today? How do they know I am hoping to mow our lawn in the sunshine this afternoon and last night I had salad for dinner? I wonder.
And yet if I pause and look a little deeper, the answers are probably with me always. It has been my experience that the more I press, push, rush, and stuff the less my body can be heard. Maybe what my body needs more than reading another book or listening to another's insight is to pause and listen to me. Maybe less is more- once again.
Maybe I would be best served by relaxing, breathing, pausing and asking my own body what it wants. Maybe I need to learn to trust my own voice and insights again. Maybe, just maybe my body and yours did come with an operators manual - the trick is to be quiet enough to hear it speak.
As with all answers there are many questions but in a society of rushing, pressing, pushing, and stuffing we could probably all benefit from a good dose of quiet time, of mindful eating and listening and pausing for the answers.
May you breathe deep and relax into your own answers.
Happy traveling,
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