Less is More- minimizing your chemical exposure. I'll be speaking at the Piece County's Cancer Survivorship Conference on Sept 13th- over at the University of Puget Sound.
If you would like to attend- please do- I loving having friends around!!
Here is the link with details
My talk was inspired by a frying pan. Several years ago, I was in AZ with my mom visiting my grandma and grandpa Biddle. My mom and I were cooking away- which we always did on these trips. I think we were making pancakes. My grandma had a 14 inch stainless steel skillet- it looked brand new. I asked my mom when did grandma get this new pan? Her reply is what inspired my presentation... Oh this skillet? It must be over 50 years old!!!
50 years old!!! That pan looked so good, it could have been purchased that same week. At the time, I still had some teflon coated frying pans. I was probably on my 3rd or 4th set. They were cheap, chemically laden and totally un-sustainable. What a waste of money!!
When I think of less is more in Chemicals what I really think about is Simple. Simple means of living that are sustainable, healthy, easy, money saving, time saving and effortless. Maybe a stainless steel pan costs more than a cheep teflon pan but think about it.. How many pans would it take to replace that one single pan over the course of 50 years??
We would save a mint. We wouldn't be throwing anything into our land fills. We wouldn't worry about what chemical had chipped off the coating and where was that chip now? We wouldn't have to go shopping and researching to find new pans. How simple is that?
Life isn't always that simple but when it is grab it! Our home should be a place where we can thrive. Where we can make pancakes with our mom and not have to wonder what chemical fell into the batter. Where our time and energy can be spent enjoying our family. Being grateful for conversations around the breakfast table where we are present enough to enjoy every bite.
As always wishing you a happy, healthy and radiant life,
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