Monday, December 9, 2013

Stay Hydrated with Chia Fresca

Welcome to winter and the dryness that comes with cold weather.  If you want to have extra energy this season plus happy skin and bright eyes make sure to stay very hydrated.

A few years ago I came across this recipe for super hydration in the book called Born to Run.  The ancient running people called the Tarahumara Indians used this drink as a sports and hydration drink for their long runs- think 100 miles wearing sandals!!  Before food went into the laboratories it was used in its natural form.  Using quality food as your medicine should be your first step to health.

    Recipe for Chia Fresca

    10 oz of fresh/filtered water
    1 tbl spoon dry chia seeds and yes just like the chia pet commercial chia seeds
    Fresh squeezed lime or lemon- to taste
    Raw honey to taste

Mix into a glass or container.  For the first few minutes shake or stir the chia seeds until they become suspended.  If you don't stir you will have clumps.  The chia seeds hold hydration are super hydrating for us.  I usually make up a big batch and keep it in our refrigerator for up to 4 days.

The original recipe used wild limes and agave nectar.  I don't have access to wild limes so I use organic limes or lemons.  You could use either I prefer lime.  As for my sweetener,  you can use agave, raw honey, maple syrup or coconut sugar.

   Raw products are not recommended during pregnancy.
   Raw honey is not recommended for children under 1 year old.

Chia seeds can be found just about anywhere.
     Health food stores, Fred Meyer, Super supplements and Winco just to name a few.

If you want a fascinating read and a good Christmas present idea check out the book
      Born to Run by Christopher McDougall- one of my favorite books of all time.

Happy holidays to all,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

5 minutes of Magic

Procrastination is a form of clutter.  Clutter leads to procrastination.
            They are both sticking points to your energy and flow

In our homes, clutter is really a form of procrastination.  When you procrastinate on putting something away or not making a decision, this creates clutter.  If you have an abundance of clutter it creates stagnation.  This feeling of stuck-ed-ness is really your procrastination holding you back.

  Don't over think this one, just use the law of motion:  An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion.  
 Get your motion back on with this little 5 minute jump start idea by Lynda Wallas-A certified positive psychologist coach.

      "...There is a real magic in simply beginning.  
           How?  Give yourself a 5 minute start.  Tell yourself you're going to start with 5 minutes on the task and then take it from there.  Most of the time inertia- the law of movement - will keep you moving"  

5 simple minutes gives you freedom.  You don't have to continue or even commit to a big project.  Getting started is always the hardest part.  Once started, even if you only plan for 5 itty-bitty minutes, this energy of motion will carry you on to 10minutes- 20minutes and beyond.  

    Give 5 minutes a whirl and discover magic in minutes!!

Wishing you a light load and brilliance in movement!

And in case you are wondering Stuck-ed-ness can in fact be a word!!  Maybe not an official word but a good solid discription of stuck energy!  There is no need not to have fun on your journey of getting unstuck:)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A worthy pursuit

"Perhaps each of us has a starved place and each of us knows deep down what we need to fill that place.  To find the courage to trust and honor the search to follow the voice that tells us what we need to do, even when it doesn't seem to make sense, is a worthy pursuit."
                                           Plain & Simple a Women's journey to the Amish by Sue Bender

The summer of my 9th grade year, my parents got a divorce.  I was devastated.  I had never experienced such pain and disbelief.  Someone and I can't recall who, suggested I pretend to be happy even if I felt like crying.  For some odd reason, I listened.  Did I know it would matter, that it would help- nope, not a clue.  Did I realize if I pretended to be happy, just acted as if, one day I would notice my smile was again authentic?  My mystery advisor was right.  One day, I remember smiling and laughing.  It took my breath away.  I wasn't pretending, I was really happy.  I remember being shocked- it worked!  That experience has stayed with me.

This was my first practice and experience with energy shifting.  The practice of smiling and pretending to be happy when inside I was anything but.  It was a simple little suggestion but it gave me power.  Pretending helped me keep my emotions moving and not get stuck.

In life, sometimes things happen that knock the wind our of our sails.  The key is always to keep paddling even when there is no wind.  And when there are no paddles to pretend paddling anyway.  When the winds return- and they will. When you get another paddle, you will be in shape and ready to go!

It takes 21 days to start a habit.  It takes 1000 day to ingrain that a habit into your habit field.  Emotions can become habitual- both healing and depleting emotions.  Remembering to smile and paddle when there is no wind nor joy can keep your radiant system in good health.

 Wishing you authentic radiance,